Only complaints I have are: 1)Middle (gold) portion doeshave some discoloration.
I think I can clean it
out but it's pretty tough stuff. I think some Nevr-Dull would
do the trick, but I can't go too crazy with
that stuff because it could take the finish off.2) The small
allen head screws are all rusting. These are
only a year old. C'mon, why no stainless. Those screws' only
purpose are to hold that cap assembly
onto the hub body. Despite the nit-picky stuff, there have
been absolutely no functional problems at
all. They went on easy and have worked perfectly, and were also
the cheapest. Procomphad just come
out with them and I saw them in a 4Wheel Parts catalog. I don't
usually just go for price, butI thought they
look pretty good and they don't stick out too far. So far functionally
they have been super.Now people always
ask me how I lost the center caps on both front wheels. geez...
Here's the original instructions page if this helps anyone~~