Combustion Tater Cannons
Here's the old reliable. Originally it ended at that tee,
but I extended the combustion chamber about
2 feet. It's nasty and has solder around the lantern igniter,
but it hasn't ever given me a problem.
Here's the big one. Same idea as above, just much longer (10')
with a narrower barrel for faster shots.
Ignition comes from a piezoelectric BBQ igniter. I liked the
thought of just standing there and going
"click", but it has proven very unreliable. I hear it works
great for others, but the resulting spark is
a little slackin'. It's not quite enough to light the propellant
in the longer chamber. I plan on converting
it over to a lantern igniter. Yeah I'll have to stand right
there, but at least it'll be consistent.
Here's a shot inside at the ignition system. You simply run
the two wires to screws you have
drilled into the walls. Tape it up good to prevent voltage
leaks. It gives a good spark between
the tips, but it's just not quite enough. I've tried various
locations on the combustion chamber, too.
***Important--Use primer! Have the glue and
primer both open and ready to go. Slop the primer on all connection
surfaces and WHILE IT IS STILL WET run the glue in there also. The
primer and glue dry fast so have
both out and ready.***